Virtual Sailplane Grand Prix 2021

Just Soaring is excited and honored to be the lead sponsor of the upcoming and first ever FAI Virtual Sailplane Grand Prix. This will be the first ever eSport competition that is officially approved by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) - better late than never!

The International Gliding Commission (IGC), the Sailplane Grand Prix Team (SGP), the FFVP (French Gliding Association), and the Condor Soaring Team will co-organize this 1st Virtual FAI/SGP event which will be held from the 5th to the 11th of September 2021, concurrent with the 10th FAI Sailplane Grand Prix World Final being held in Saint-Auban, France - how cool is that?!

Just Soaring will be donating our best in class Condor Soaring cockpit / glider simulator - the Glider Sim Pro - to the lucky winner of this great contest! This glider flight simulator kit, has realistic glider flight controls and glider cockpit layout for an enhance pilot experience while flying in the Condor Soaring virtual environment.

As to the competition, there are actually two separate events - the official one (with 20 pilots), and the non-official (open) event being hosted on Condor Club.

For more information on either the official or Condor Club open event, please pop over to SGP eSports page at: